Wednesday, January 7, 2009

For Lauren

The first picture upload is for Lauren (who I really miss seeing!). I have been remiss in getting to the pictures. I have uploaded to the desktop in the basement, but rarely am down there to work. The laptop "luxury" that I bought for myself last September/October which is upstairs is way easier to use and for some reason I have yet to upload to this computer.

This picture was taken the first time we met the Horse in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. He really is super cute! The Rooster is cute too, but we already knew that!!

1 comment:

Dave, Lauren, Jack and Nora said...

OH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting for this for a long time! ;) He is just as perfect as I envisioned him to be, and am so happy! Now I need to see one of Horse and Rooster together! :) Never happy, I know.

He is really cute, you are right!