Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Dear Baby Jasmine

Our family is terrbily saddened by the death of our baby Jasmine in the evening of April 29, 2009. She was killed by, we assume, a coyote sometime between about 8:00 and 8:30 or so when she didn't come in when called.
We had Jasmine for 9 years and got her when she was a little puppy. She was the most loving and playful dog I have ever seen. Even at 9, she was still just a puppy.
She, along with Lilly, are our first children and I am so deeply saddened by her death - I just don't know what to do with myself.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 28th already!!

So, I don't post as often as I'd like or should. I can't believe that it is already the 28th of April, 2009. the Rooster turned 4 on the 8th and had her first "friend birthday party" also known to her as her "fake birthday party". Fake, I guess because it wasn't on her actual birthday. Her friend C*** had a fake birthday party as well. The Horse did pretty well at the Chuck E Cheese party after the initial disbelief that the Rooster was getting balloons and presents - again! The party on Saturday was a success and all of her friends came and had fun. There were 10 kids and most of the parents and we all had a fun time.

The Horse will also have his party at the same place upon his request.

I find it a little ironic that I have parties at a place where I hold a bad memory. Years ago, there was a murder spree at another Chuck E Cheese and the criminal is currently on death row in CO. I was a judicial law clerk at the time of the trial and sat in the same room with the murderer on more than one occasion and truly think that he is less than human. It has been years since then, but I still remember that I felt that he was truly evil. Others will say that he had a hard childhood, etc., and that may be true, but killing a bunch of people is never justified. Enough of the soap box and bad stuff.

The Horse got to meet his Aunt L** and other Grandfather this past weekend. The kids enjoyed the company.

Phonics is big in our house all of a sudden. The Rooster is in her second month of Phonics and the Horse now wants to take it too. I think his language is getting about good enough but I will speak to the teacher first. I also finally enrolled the Horse for 1st Grade next fall at the public elementary school in the neighborhood. I think he'll do OK there. He has some friends from his current Kindergarten class that will also go to the same elementary school and hopefully be in the same classroom.

The Horse went to his first birthday party this past weekend too! He had a really fun time. I am so happy that he has made lots of friends and does seem to be really happy. His kindergarten teacher thinks he is a "really jolly fellow"! And, he is.

Still have to get those photos posted, I know . . . . .