Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Little Horse

The Little Horse who we are waiting to adopt is still in Jiangxi Province, China. Here are the statistics of the progress:

1/30/08 - Received file from adoption agency for review
2/05/08 - Accepted Referral of the Little Horse
2/07/08 - LOI (Letter of Intent) sent to China
2/19/08 - PA (Prior Approval) received from China
2/20/08 - Adoption Application approved by agency
3/28/08 - USCIS Filing (documents to the US Homeland Security ( Yes - the same people that make you take your shoes off at the airport) Department)
4/12/08 - Fingerprinted for USCIS
7/??/08 - We finally receive the one piece of paper that we need from the Airport Security people to adopt our son
7/17/08 - Dossier delivered to adoption agency
7/25/08 - Dossier To China
7/28/08 - Received confimation that China received the Dossier
7/30/08 - LID (Log In Date) the date that China officially logs in the dossier

We were initially told that we would travel to China within 3 to 5 months from the Log In Date, but today is the 11th of November and we still do not have the LOA yet. It is unlikely that we will travel to China prior to the end of the year. This makes me profoundly sad. We so wanted to hae the Little Horse home by Christmas.

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