I havent' posted for quite some time. I have gone back to work (on Feb 23, 2009) and am glad! I am transitioning to my new job soon and am ready to do so.
The kids are doing really good and they even got to go to the grocery store with me today - something I haven't done for quite awhile for behavior reasons. They did really good so for short trips they are no longer banned!
Tomorrow we are going to a Puppet show at the Denver Puppet Theater - Jack and the Beanstalk - which looks fun. School is going good for them both and they really like going. their school pictures turned out really good - I'll scan and post soon.
The Horse's eye is doing great and we have a fitting scheduled for April 7th for a prosthetic eye. If it goes well, great; if not, we will do it under anesthesia at a later date. Either way, this is way sooner than the physician originally thought and with far less surgeries. He did have a second surgery on February 12, 2009 and recovered great.
O changed the Blog background because we are entering Birthday Season here. The Rooster in April and the Horse in May. We went to Party America and bought the invitations today - both will have their parties at Chuck E Cheese this year. The Rooster picked My Little Pony invitations and the Horse picked dinosaur ones. They also got to pick out new plastic cups which was a bonus! Invitations for the Rooster's party will go out this week and we'll wait till late April for the Horse.
His language is really good, still a ways to go, but we never use the translator anymore. His behavior is also improved and instead of several times a day meltdowns or crying it is about once every day or every other day. Still, we have the "being first" problem/issue, but I am better at dealing with it and both kids are getting better. If anyone says, "Me First", they know that they will automatically be "Second". Bedtime is pretty smooth now, with just little issues now and then.
So glad things are going well... hang in there!
It sounds like things are settling in- and I cannot wait to see pictures of their birthdays!
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